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Reference for the teleport_bot Terraform resource

Example Usage

# Teleport Machine ID Bot creation example

locals {
  bot_name = "example"

resource "random_password" "bot_token" {
  length  = 32
  special = false

resource "time_offset" "bot_example_token_expiry" {
  offset_hours = 1

resource "teleport_provision_token" "bot_example" {
  metadata = {
    expires     = time_offset.bot_example_token_expiry.rfc3339
    description = "Bot join token for ${local.bot_name} generated by Terraform"

    name = random_password.bot_token.result

  spec = {
    roles       = ["Bot"]
    bot_name    = local.bot_name
    join_method = "token"

resource "teleport_bot" "example" {
  name  = local.bot_name
  roles = ["access"]



  • name (String) The name of the bot, i.e. the unprefixed User name
  • roles (List of String) A list of roles the created bot should be allowed to assume via role impersonation.


  • token_id (String, Sensitive) Deprecated. This field is not required anymore and has no effect.
  • token_ttl (String) Deprecated. This field is not required anymore and has no effect.
  • traits (Map of List of String)


  • role_name (String) The name of the generated bot role
  • user_name (String) The name of the generated bot user