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Reference for the teleport_okta_import_rule Terraform data-source



  • spec (Attributes) Spec is the specification for the Okta import rule. (see below for nested schema)
  • version (String) Version is the API version used to create the resource. It must be specified. Based on this version, Teleport will apply different defaults on resource creation or deletion. It must be an integer prefixed by "v". For example: v1


  • metadata (Attributes) Metadata is resource metadata (see below for nested schema)
  • sub_kind (String) SubKind is an optional resource sub kind, used in some resources

Nested Schema for spec


  • mappings (Attributes List) Mappings is a list of matches that will map match conditions to labels. (see below for nested schema)
  • priority (Number) Priority represents the priority of the rule application. Lower numbered rules will be applied first.

Nested Schema for spec.mappings


  • add_labels (Map of String) AddLabels specifies which labels to add if any of the previous matches match.
  • match (Attributes List) Match is a set of matching rules for this mapping. If any of these match, then the mapping will be applied. (see below for nested schema)

Nested Schema for spec.mappings.match


  • app_ids (List of String) AppIDs is a list of app IDs to match against.
  • app_name_regexes (List of String) AppNameRegexes is a list of regexes to match against app names.
  • group_ids (List of String) GroupIDs is a list of group IDs to match against.
  • group_name_regexes (List of String) GroupNameRegexes is a list of regexes to match against group names.

Nested Schema for metadata


  • name (String) Name is an object name


  • description (String) Description is object description
  • expires (String) Expires is a global expiry time header can be set on any resource in the system.
  • labels (Map of String) Labels is a set of labels