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Joining Services via Kubernetes ServiceAccount Token

This guide will explain how to use the Kubernetes join method to configure Teleport services to join your Teleport cluster without sharing any secrets when running in the same Kubernetes cluster as the Auth Service.

When a Teleport service wants to be part of the cluster, it needs to prove its identity to the Teleport Auth Service before receiving its certificates. Kubernetes issues signed proof to each pod describing which Kubernetes ServiceAccount they can assume. When using the Kubernetes join method, Teleport uses this Kubernetes proof to become part of the cluster.

The Kubernetes join method is not available in Teleport Enterprise Cloud as it requires the joining service to run in the same Kubernetes cluster as the Auth Service.

The Kubernetes join method is available in self-hosted versions of Teleport. It supports joining any Teleport service running in the same Kubernetes cluster as the Auth Service.


  • A running Teleport cluster in Kubernetes. For details on how to set this up, see Guides for running Teleport using Helm.
  • Editor access to the Kubernetes cluster running the Teleport cluster. You must be able to create Namespaces and Deployments.
  • A Teleport user with access role, or any other role that allows access to applications with the label app: demo-app
  • Either the Teleport editor role or the ability to kubectl exec into your existing Teleport Auth Service pods.
  • The Auth Service ServiceAccount must be granted the system:auth-delegator ClusterRole. Clusters deployed with the teleport-cluster Helm chart have the correct role by default.

Step 1/5. Create a Kubernetes join token

Configure your Teleport Auth Service with a join token (also called provision token) to allow Teleport services hosted in the Kubernetes cluster to join your Teleport cluster.

Under the hood, Teleport instances will prove to the Auth Service that they are running in the same Kubernetes cluster by sending a signed ServiceAccount token that matches an allow rule configured in your Kubernetes join token.

Create a file called token.yaml with the following content, which includes an allow rule specifying the Kubernetes namespace and Kubernetes ServiceAccount in which your Teleport services are running.

# token.yaml
kind: token
version: v2
  # The token name is not a secret as the Kubernetes join method relies on the
  # Kubernetes signature to establish trust and not on the join token name.
  name: kubernetes-token
  # set a long expiry time, the default for tokens is only 30 minutes
  expires: "2050-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  # Use the minimal set of system roles required.
  roles: [App]

  # set the join method allowed for this token
  join_method: kubernetes
    # If type is not specified, it defaults to in_cluster
    type: in_cluster
      # Service account names follow the format "namespace:serviceaccountname".
      - service_account: "teleport-agent:teleport-app-service"

Kubernetes join tokens can be used by any Teleport service besides the Auth Service, such as the Proxy Service and SSH Service. In this guide, we restrict the token to joining an Application Service instance.

It is not recommended to use a single token that can join everything. You should restrict the token to the roles used by the joining instance. For example, a Teleport instance running both the Application Service and Database Service should use a token with roles: [App, Db]. Follow the instructions below to create the token depending on whether you have administrative access to the Auth Service pod:

Create the token:

tctl create token.yaml

Finally, validate the token was created:

tctl get token/kubernetes-token

kind: tokenmetadata: expires: "3000-01-01T00:00:00Z" name: kubernetes-tokenspec: join_method: kubernetes roles: - Appversion: v2

Retrieve the name and namespace of the Auth Service deployment:

kubectl get namespaces
NAME STATUS AGEcert-manager Active 40ddefault Active 40dkube-system Active 40dteleport Active 40d

We look for deployments in the "teleport" namespace

kubectl get deployments -n teleport
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGEteleport-auth 2/2 2 2 6d20hteleport-proxy 2/2 2 2 6d20h

Here, the deployment name is "teleport-auth".

Then run the following command to execute the tctl create command from inside one of the Auth Service pods:

kubectl exec -i -n teleport deployment/teleport-auth -- tctl create < token.yaml

Finally, validate the token was successfully created:

kubectl exec -i -n teleport deployment/teleport-auth tctl get token/kubernetes-token

kind: tokenmetadata: expires: "3000-01-01T00:00:00Z" name: kubernetes-tokenspec: join_method: kubernetes roles: - Appversion: v2

Step 2/5. Deploy a demonstration HTTP app

In this step, we deploy a demonstration HTTP application and don't expose it publicly. Instead, we will manage access to this application with the Teleport Application Service, which we will register with Teleport using the Kubernetes join method.

kubectl create namespace demo-app
namespace/demo-app created
kubectl create deployment --image=nginx --namespace demo-app --port=80 demo-app
deployment.apps/demo-app created
kubectl expose deployment demo-app -n demo-app --port=80 --target-port=80 --selector='app=demo-app'
service/demo-app exposed

Validate the application pods are running and ready with the following command:

kubectl get pods -n demo-app
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEdemo-app-7664d59cb8-bv888 1/1 Running 0 67s

Step 3/5. Configure the Application Service

Configure the teleport-kube-agent chart to deploy Teleport instances running the Application Service by creating a values.yaml file with the following content:

# values.yaml

# Public address of the Teleport cluster with port.
# You must replace the placeholder with your proxy address.
proxyAddr: "teleport.example.com:443"

# Comma-separated list of services the `teleport-kube-agent` chart must run
# (supported values are: kube,db,app,discovery)
# In this guide we only deploy app access.
# Adding more services here also requires to add role to the provision token created in step 1.
roles: app

  method: "kubernetes"
  # this must match the provision token created in Step 1.
  tokenName: "kubernetes-token"
  - name: demo-app
    uri: "http://demo-app.demo-app.svc.cluster.local:80"

Step 4/5. Deploy the Application Service

To use the token created in Step 1, the joining instance must run in the same Kubernetes cluster as the Auth Service and have a Kubernetes ServiceAccount token mounted. The teleport-kube-agent chart that you will install in this section will take care of this by default.

Deploy the Teleport Application Service by running the following command:

helm install teleport-app-service teleport/teleport-kube-agent -n teleport-agent --create-namespace -f values.yaml

Then, validate the pod is running after a couple of seconds:

kubectl get pods -n teleport-agent
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGEteleport-app-service-0 1/1 Running 0 23s

Finally, validate you can see the application in the Teleport Web UI, or using the command line:

tsh apps ls
Application Description Type Public Address Labels ----------- ----------- ---- -------------------- ------------------- demo-app HTTP teleport.example.com teleport.dev/origin

Step 5/5. Clean up

Uninstall the teleport-app-service Helm release and delete both the demo-app and teleport-agent namespaces.

helm delete -n teleport-agent teleport-app-service
release "teleport-app-service" uninstalled
kubectl delete namespaces demo-app teleport-agent
namespace "demo-app" deletednamespace "teleport-agent" deleted

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