2024 Secure Infrastructure Access Report: Key Insights and Trends
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What is Cryptographic Identity?

Posted 22nd Feb 2024 by Travis Swientek

Cryptographic Identity refers to the use of computer science and mathematical theory to securely establish and verify the identity of a user, device, or system in digital communications. Identity-based encryption is vital in ensuring secure interactions over the internet and in various digital systems.

Identity-based cryptography is fundamental to many aspects of digital security, including secure communications, data protection, e-commerce transactions, and more, offering streamlined key management and distribution processes. Public-key cryptography provides a way to ensure that digital interactions are authenticated, secure, and trustworthy, enabling users to easily verify each other's identities and exchange information over insecure channels with confidence.

Key Concepts

Digital Certificates

A cryptographic identity, rooted in asymmetric cryptography, often involves digital certificates, which are electronic documents crucial for proving the ownership of a public key. These certificates encompass not only the public key but also details about the key's owner, the digital signature created by advanced signature schemes, and the identity of a trusted third party or entity that has verified the certificate's contents. This process, integral to cryptology, involves transforming plaintext into ciphertext using an encryption key, and then back to plaintext through decryption, ensuring secure message transmission.

Certificate Authorities (CAs)

Certificate Authorities (CAs), integral to public key infrastructure (PKI) in cryptography, employ asymmetric and symmetric algorithms, including RSA and elliptic curve techniques, for key management and digital signature creation. They act as a trusted third party in crypto systems, using private key generators and hash functions to authenticate a user’s identity and secure encrypted data. By issuing digital certificates that link a public key to an entity's identifier, like a phone number, CAs leverage advanced cryptographic techniques, including identity-based encryption (IBE) and bilinear pairings, to enhance information security.

Public and Private Keys

In cryptography, public-key infrastructure (PKI) refers to a key management framework used to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption. Each entity has a pair of cryptographic keys: a public key and a private key. The public key is openly shared and used for encrypting sensitive data or verifying digital signatures, while the private key is kept secret and used for decrypting data or creating digital signatures.

Common Use Cases


Cryptographic identity plays a crucial role in authentication, where it verifies the identity of a user or device. In a typical scenario, such as logging into a secure website, cryptographic techniques validate the website's authenticity and ensure that your login credentials are securely transmitted as encrypted data, protecting them from interception or tampering. Additionally, these techniques often involve two-factor authentication processes, where a user provides a secondary piece of evidence, like a one-time code sent to their phone, further bolstering security. This layered approach ensures that even if login credentials are compromised, unauthorized access is still preventable, safeguarding sensitive user information.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures are critical tools used to ensure the integrity and authenticity of a digital document or message. They are created using the sender's private key, which functions as a unique cryptographic signature, and then attached to the document or message. This signature can be verified by anyone who has access to the sender's public key, thereby confirming that the message has not been altered since it was signed. Additionally, digital signatures provide non-repudiation, meaning the sender cannot deny the authenticity of the signed document or message, further enhancing trust and security in digital communications.

Teleport’s Take

Traditional credentials-based authentication methods are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats, whereas cryptographic identity offers a more secure alternative. Teleport issues cryptographic identity to every participant involved in infrastructure access, including users, machines, bots, workloads, resources, and devices. Because everything has an identity that is tied to a biometric or comparable attribute (such as a TPM or secure enclave for hardware), Teleport is able to maintain a secure and ephemeral approach to infrastructure access, which is crucial for establishing trusted computing that does not rely on secrets. In this way, Teleport eliminates credentials AND human error related to credentials as an attack vector for infrastructure access.

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