Database Access Guides
How to connect your database to Teleport
- Active Directory SQL Server: Connect Microsoft SQL Server with Active Directory authentication.
- Active Directory SQL Server with PKINIT: Connect Microsoft SQL Server with Active Directory PKINIT authentication.
- AWS DynamoDB: Connect AWS DynamoDB.
- AWS OpenSearch: Connect AWS OpenSearch.
- AWS ElastiCache & MemoryDB: Connect AWS ElastiCache or AWS MemoryDB for Redis database.
- AWS RDS & Aurora: Connect AWS RDS or Aurora PostgreSQL, MariaDB or MySQL database.
- AWS RDS Proxy for MariaDB/MySQL: Connect AWS RDS Proxy instances to Teleport.
- AWS RDS Proxy for PostgreSQL: Connect AWS RDS Proxy instances to Teleport.
- AWS RDS Proxy for SQL Server: Connect AWS RDS Proxy instances to Teleport.
- AWS Redshift: Connect AWS Redshift database.
- AWS Redshift Serverless: Connect to AWS Redshift serverless.
- AWS Keyspaces (Apache Cassandra): Connect to an AWS Keyspaces database.
- Azure PostgreSQL & MySQL: Connect Azure PostgreSQL or MySQL.
- Azure Cache for Redis: Connect Azure Cache for Redis.
- Azure SQL Server: Connect Azure SQL Server with Azure Active Directory authentication.
- GCP Cloud SQL MySQL: Connect GCP Cloud SQL MySQL database.
- GCP Cloud SQL PostgreSQL: Connect GCP Cloud SQL PostgreSQL database.
- MongoDB Atlas: Connect MongoDB Atlas cluster.
- Self-Hosted ClickHouse: Connect self-hosted ClickHouse database.
- Self-hosted CockroachDB: Connect self-hosted CockroachDB database.
- Self-hosted Elasticsearch
- Self-hosted MongoDB: Connect self-hosted MongoDB database.
- Self-hosted MySQL & MariaDB: Connect self-hosted MySQL or MariaDB database.
- Self-hosted PostgreSQL: Connect self-hosted PostgreSQL database.
- Self-hosted Redis Cluster: Connect a self-hosted Redis Cluster.
- Self-hosted Redis: Connect self-hosted Redis.
- Self-Hosted Cassandra & ScyllaDB: Connect self-hosted Cassandra or ScyllaDB.
- Self-Hosted Oracle: Connect self-hosted Oracle database.
- Snowflake: Connect Snowflake.
- Vitess: Connect Vitess.
Other guides
- GUI clients: Configure database graphical clients.
- Dynamic Registration: Register/unregister databases without restarting Teleport.
- High Availability: Deploy database access in HA configuration.
- AWS Auto-Discovery: Configure Teleport to discover for AWS-hosted databases.
- AWS Cross-Account Access: Connect AWS databases in external AWS accounts.