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Deploying a High Availability Teleport Cluster

When deploying Teleport in production, you should design your deployment to ensure that users can continue to access infrastructure during an incident in your Teleport cluster. You should also make it possible to scale your Auth Service and Proxy Service as you register more users and resources with Teleport.

In this guide, we will explain the components of a high-availability Teleport deployment.

Teleport Enterprise Cloud takes care of this setup for you so you can provide secure access to your infrastructure right away.

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A high-availability Teleport cluster revolves around two pools of redundant teleport processes, one running the Auth Service and one running the Proxy Service, plus the infrastructure required to support each pool.

Infrastructure components include:

  • A public Layer 4 load balancer to direct traffic from users and services to an available Proxy Service instance.
  • A private Layer 4 load balancer to direct traffic from the Proxy Service to the Auth Service's gRPC API, which is how Teleport manages the Auth Service's backend state and provides credentials to users and services in your cluster.
  • A cluster state backend. This is a key-value store for cluster state and audit events that all Auth Service instances can access. This requires permissions for Auth Service instances to manage records within the key-value store.
  • A session recording backend. This is an object storage service where the Auth Service uploads session recordings. The session recording backend requires permissions for teleport instances to manage objects within the storage service.
  • A TLS credential provisioning system. You need a way to obtain TLS credentials from a certificate authority like Let's Encrypt (or an internal public key infrastructure), provision teleport instances with them, and renew them periodically.
  • A DNS service you can use to create records for the Teleport Proxy Service. If you are using Let's Encrypt for TLS credentials, the TLS credential provisioner will need to manage DNS records to demonstrate control over your domain name.

Layer 4 load balancers

High-availability Teleport clusters require two load balancers:

  • Proxy Service load balancer: A load balancer to receive traffic from outside the network where your Teleport cluster is running and forward it to an available Proxy Service instance. This load balancer handles TCP traffic from users and services in a variety of application-layer protocols.
  • Auth Service load balancer: A load balancer to forward traffic from a Proxy Service instance to an available Auth Service instance. This handles TLS traffic to the Auth Service's gRPC endpoint.

Both load balancers must transparently forward the TCP traffic they receive, without terminating TLS. In other words, these must be Layer 4 load balancers, not Layer 7 (e.g., HTTP).

We recommend configuring your load balancers to route traffic across multiple zones (if using a cloud provider) or data centers (if using an on-premise solution) to ensure availability.

Configuring the Proxy Service load balancer

TLS Routing

The way you configure the Proxy Service load balancer depends on whether you will enable TLS Routing in your Teleport cluster.

With TLS Routing, the Teleport Proxy Service uses application-layer protocol negotiation (ALPN) to handle all communication with users and services via the HTTPS port, regardless of protocol. Without TLS Routing, the Proxy Service listens on separate ports for each protocol.

The advantage of TLS Routing is its simplicity: you can expose only a single port on the load balancer to the public internet.

The disadvantage of TLS Routing is that it is impossible to implement Layer 7 load balancing for HTTPS traffic, since traffic that reaches the HTTPS port can use any supported protocol.

The approach we describe in this guide uses only a Layer 4 load balancer to minimize the infrastructure you will deploy, but users that require a separate load balancer for HTTPS traffic should disable TLS Routing.

Open ports

Configure the Proxy Service load balancer to forward traffic from the following ports on the load balancer to the corresponding port on an available Proxy Service instance. The configuration depends on whether you will enable TLS Routing:

Load Balancer PortProxy Service PortDescription
4433080ALPN port for TLS Routing.

These ports are required:

Load Balancer PortProxy Service PortDescription
30233023SSH port for clients connect to.
30243024SSH port used to create reverse SSH tunnels from behind-firewall environments.
4433080HTTPS connections to authenticate tsh users into the cluster. The same connection is used to serve a Web UI.

You can leave these ports closed if you are not using their corresponding services:

3026HTTPS Kubernetes proxy
3036MySQL port
5432Postgres port
27017Mongo port

Configuring the Auth Service load balancer

The Auth Service load balancer must forward traffic to the Auth Service's gRPC port. In this guide, we are assuming that you have configured the Auth Service load balancer to forward traffic from port 3025 to port 3025 on an available Auth Service instance.

Cluster state backend

The Teleport Auth Service stores cluster state (such as dynamic configuration resources) and audit events as key/value pairs. In high-availability deployments, you must configure the Auth Service to manage this data in a key-value store that runs outside of your cluster of Teleport instances.

The Auth Service supports the following backends for cluster state and audit events:

  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • Google Cloud Firestore
  • PostgreSQL (Azure and self-hosted)
  • etcd (cluster state only)

For Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud Firestore and PostgreSQL, your Teleport configuration (which we will describe in more detail in the Configuration section) names the two tables or collections where Teleport stores cluster state and audit events.

The Auth Service can also store cluster state in self-hosted etcd deployments. In this case, Teleport uses namespaces within item keys to identify cluster state data.

When you configure the Teleport Auth Service to access a table or collection, the Auth Service checks that the table or collection exists on startup. If it does not, the Auth Service attempts to create it.

Required permissions

Make sure you configure your cloud provider's RBAC solution (e.g., AWS or Google Cloud IAM) so that your Auth Service instances have permissions to read from and write to your chosen key/value store.

Unless you have a pre-existing table or collection to use, the Auth Service must also have permissions to create tables and collections (if your key/value store supports them).

Session recording backend

High-availability Teleport deployments use an object storage service for persisting session recordings. The Teleport Auth Service supports two object storage services:

  • Amazon S3 (or an S3-compatible object store)
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Azure Blob Storage

In your Teleport configuration (described in the Configuration section), you must name a bucket within Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage or an Amazon S3-compatible service to use for managing session recordings.

The Auth Service will check that the bucket exists on startup. If it does not, the Auth Service attempts to create it.

Required permissions

In your cloud provider's RBAC solution, your Auth Service instances need permissions to get buckets as well as to create, get, list, and update objects.

In Google Cloud Storage, Auth Service instances also need permissions to delete objects.

Unless you plan to configure the Auth Service to access a pre-existing bucket, you must also assign Auth Service instances permissions to create buckets.

TLS credential provisioning

High-availability Teleport deployments require a system to fetch TLS credentials from a certificate authority like Let's Encrypt, AWS Certificate Manager, Digicert, or a trusted internal authority. The system must then provision Teleport Proxy Service instances with these credentials and renew them periodically.

If you are running a single instance of the Teleport Auth Service and Proxy Service, you can configure this instance to fetch credentials for itself from Let's Encrypt using the ACME ALPN-01 challenge, where Teleport demonstrates that it controls the ALPN server at the HTTPS address of your Teleport Proxy Service. Teleport also fetches a separate certificate for each application you have registered with Teleport, e.g., grafana.teleport.example.com.

For high-availability deployments that use Let's Encrypt to supply TLS credentials to Teleport instances running behind a load balancer, you will need to use the ACME DNS-01 challenge to demonstrate domain name ownership to Let's Encrypt. In this challenge, your TLS credential provisioning system creates a DNS TXT record with a value expected by Let's Encrypt.

In the configuration we are demonstrating in this guide, each Teleport Proxy Service instance expects TLS credentials for HTTPS to be available at the file paths /etc/teleport-tls/tls.key (private key) and /etc/teleport-tls/tls.crt (certificate).

DNS service

Set up a DNS zone where you can create records for Teleport, e.g., an Amazon Route 53 hosted zone or Google Cloud DNS zone.

Teleport Proxy Service records

Users and services must be able to reach the Teleport Proxy Service in order to connect to your Teleport cluster. Since a high availability setup runs Teleport instances behind a load balancer, you must create a DNS record that points to the load balancer.

Depending on how your infrastructure's DNS is organized, this will be one of the following, assuming your domain is example.com:

Record TypeDomain NameValue
Ateleport.example.comThe IP address of your load balancer
CNAMEteleport.example.comThe domain name of your load balancer

Registering applications with Teleport

Teleport assigns a subdomain to each application you have connected to Teleport (e.g., grafana.teleport.example.com), so you will need to ensure that a DNS record exists for each application-specific subdomain so clients can access your applications via Teleport.

You should create either a separate DNS record for each subdomain or a single record with a wildcard subdomain such as *.teleport.example.com.

Create one of the following wildcard DNS records so you can register any application with Teleport:

Record TypeDomain NameValue
A*.teleport.example.comThe IP address of your load balancer
CNAME*.teleport.example.comThe domain name of your load balancer
Required permissions

If you are using Let's Encrypt to provide TLS credentials to your Teleport instances, the TLS credential system we mentioned earlier needs permissions to manage DNS records in order to satisfy Let's Encrypt's DNS-01 challenge.

If you are using cloud-managed solutions, you should use your cloud provider's RBAC system (e.g., AWS IAM) to grant a role to the Proxy Service to manage DNS records.

Teleport instances

Run the Teleport Auth Service and Proxy Service as two scalable groups of compute resources, for example, using Kubernetes Deployments or AWS Auto Scaling groups. This requires running the teleport binary on each Kubernetes pod or virtual machine in your group.

If you plan to run Teleport on Kubernetes, the teleport-cluster Helm chart deploys the Auth Service and Proxy Service pools for you. To see how to use this Helm chart, read our Helm Deployments documentation.

You should deploy your Teleport instances across multiple zones (if using a cloud provider) or data centers (if using an on-premise solution) to ensure availability.

Proxy Service pool

Open ports

Ensure that, on each Proxy Service instance, the following ports allow traffic from the Proxy Service load balancer. The Proxy Service uses these ports to communicate with Teleport users and services.

As with your load balancer configuration, the ports you should open on your Teleport instances depend on whether you will enable TLS Routing:

3080ALPN port for TLS Routing.

These ports are required:

3023SSH port for clients connect to.
3024SSH port used to create reverse SSH tunnels from behind-firewall environments.
3080HTTPS connections to authenticate tsh users into the cluster. The same connection is used to serve a Web UI.

You can leave these ports closed if you are not using their corresponding services:

3026HTTPS Kubernetes proxy
3036MySQL port
5432Postgres port

This is the same table of ports you used to configure the load balancer.


Create a configuration file and provide it to each of your Proxy Service instances at /etc/teleport.yaml. We will explain the required configuration fields for a high-availability Teleport deployment below. These are the minimum requirements, and when planning your high-availability deployment, you will want to follow a more specific deployment guide for your environment.

proxy_service and auth_service

The proxy_service section configures the Proxy Service. The configuration will depend on whether you are enabling TLS Routing in your cluster:

To enable TLS Routing in your Teleport cluster, add the following to your Teleport configuration:

version: v3
  enabled: false
  enabled: true
  public_addr: "mycluster.example.com:443"
  - key_file: /etc/teleport-tls/tls.key
    cert_file: /etc/teleport-tls/tls.crt

This configuration has no fields specific to TLS Routing. In v2, the configuration version we are using here, TLS Routing is enabled by default.

To disable TLS Routing in your Teleport cluster, add the following to your Teleport configuration:

version: v3
  proxy_listener_mode: separate
  enabled: false
  enabled: true
  public_addr: "mycluster.example.com:443"
  - key_file: /etc/teleport-tls/tls.key
    cert_file: /etc/teleport-tls/tls.crt

This configuration assigns auth_service.proxy_listener_mode to separate to disable TLS Routing. It also explicitly assigns an SSH port (listen_addr) and reverse tunnel port (tunnel_listen_addr) for the Proxy Service.

In the proxy_service section, we have enabled the Teleport Proxy Service (enabled) and instructed it to find its TLS credentials in the /etc/teleport-tls directory (https_keypairs).

We have set auth_service.enabled to false to disable the Auth Service, which is enabled by default, on each Proxy Service instance.


The SSH Service is enabled by default. You can disable the SSH Service on each Teleport instance by adding the following to each instance's configuration file:

version: v3
  # ...
# ...
# ...
  enabled: false

This is suitable for deploying Teleport on Kubernetes, where the teleport pod should not have direct access to the underlying node.

If you are deploying Teleport on a cluster of virtual machines, remove this line to run the SSH Service and enable secure access to the host.

Auth Service pool

Open ports

Ensure that, on each Auth Service instance, the following ports are open:

3025gRPC port to open to Proxy Service instances.

License file

If you are deploying Teleport Enterprise, you need to download a license file and make it available to your Teleport Auth Service instances.

The Teleport Auth Service reads a license file to authenticate your Teleport Enterprise account.

To obtain your license file, navigate to your Teleport account dashboard and log in. You can start at teleport.sh and enter your Teleport account name (e.g. my-company). After logging in you will see a "GENERATE LICENSE KEY" button, which will generate a new license file and allow you to download it.

The license file must be available to each Teleport Auth Service instance at /var/lib/teleport/license.pem.


Create a configuration file and provide it to each of your Auth Service instances at /etc/teleport.yaml. We will explain the required configuration fields for a high-availability Teleport deployment below. These are the minimum requirements, and when planning your high-availability deployment, you will want to follow a more specific deployment guide for your environment.


The first configuration section to write is the storage section, which configures the cluster state backend and session recording backend for the Auth Service:

version: v3
    # ...

Consult our Backends Reference for the configuration fields you should set in the storage section.

auth_service and proxy_service

The auth_service section configures the Auth Service:

version: v3
  # ...
  enabled: true
  cluster_name: "mycluster.example.com"
  # Remove this if not using Teleport Enterprise
  license_file: "/var/lib/teleport/license.pem"
  enabled: false

In the auth_service section, we have enabled the Teleport Auth Service (enabled) and instructed it to find an Enterprise license file at /var/lib/teleport/license.pem (license_file). Remove the license_file field if you are deploying the open source edition of Teleport.

Since we are running Proxy Service instances in a dedicated pool, we have disabled the Proxy Service on our Auth Service instances by setting proxy_service.enabled to false.


As with the Proxy Service pool, you can disable the SSH Service on each Teleport instance by adding the following to each instance's configuration file:

version: v3
  # ...
# ...
# ...
  enabled: false

Next steps

Refine your plan

Now that you know the general principles behind a high-availability Teleport deployment, read about how to design your own deployment on Kubernetes or a cluster of virtual machines in your cloud of choice:

Ensure high performance

You should also get familiar with how to ensure that your Teleport deployment is performing as expected:

Deploy Teleport services

Once your high-availability Teleport deployment is up and running, you can add resources by launching Teleport services. You can run these services in a separate network from your Teleport cluster.

To get started, read about registering: