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Home - Teleport Blog - Nov Newsletter. Identity Governance & Security, Survey and more - Nov 16, 2023

Nov Newsletter. Identity Governance & Security, Survey and more

Teleport Nov\ Newsletter

Hello Teleport Community!

It’s been a busy two months at Teleport HQ. Unfortunately, I missed last month due to being caught up in all the planning and activity for our 2nd Teleport User Conf, Teleport Connect 2023. It was a pleasure to meet so many of you at the conf. If you were unable to attend, we are hosting a virtual replay plus live sessions on Feb 8th 2024! RSVP and Save the Date here.

For this month's newsletter, I’m going to dive into our recent launch of our Identity Governance & Security launch. For a dramatic intro, I recommend checking out our dramatic but short 1-minute and 23-second story of Little Bobby Tables’ account getting compromised.

Teleport IGS Video
Teleport IGS Video

The moral of Little Bobby Tables is that even with zero-trust solutions and strong auth/authz we’re seeing extremely advanced attacks on engineers' accounts that require more advanced tools to protect those identities and infrastructure. To explore this idea further, I recently wrote a fictitious article about Accidentally Hiring a DPRK IT Worker. This post explores the idea of an extreme insider threat that you may have hired and how the tools and features of Teleport IGS can be used to detect access monitoring backed by Athena Audit Log, locking and reviewing freelancer access with Access Lists and Just-in-time Access Requests. If you want to learn more about rolling out Identity Governance & Security, please get in touch or watch the replay of my webinar Infrastructure Auditing Made Easy.

Teleport 2023 Survey

For the 3rd year in a row, we’re sending a survey to the Teleport Community. This survey is for both Teleport Community, Team and Enterprise users on Teleport. The survey is about 30 questions long and should take about 15 minutes to complete. As a thank you for your time and feedback, we’ll send a $50 gift certificate to the Teleport Swag Store. Complete the Teleport 2023 Survey.

Meet us at AWS re:Invent

The Teleport Team is busy at events; having just returned from Kubecon NA, it was great to meet many of our largest Kubernetes users. If you plan on attending AWS, you can swing by our booth or join us for a DevSecOps Happy Hour on Nov 29th.

Kubernetes Security Hot Takes

Hot Takes is a live panel that’ll deep dive into a topic. I’ll be moderating our first hot take with five renowned experts from the Kubernetes community. Along with a great panel, we’ll be taking questions from audience members and splitting out into breakout rooms halfway through. Reserve your Hot Seat place today.

Teleport Hot Takes
Teleport Hot Takes

Thanks for reading, and please let us know how we’re doing by completing our 2023 Teleport Survey.




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