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Home - Teleport Blog - How to record SSH sessions with OpenSSH servers - Jan 18, 2018

How to record SSH sessions with OpenSSH servers

Recording SSH sessions can be useful for compliance as well as for educational reasons. Replaying a session recording can be the ultimate answer to the "how did they do that?" question. This blog post is about implementing SSH session recording using open source tools.

The Teleport SSH server is free and open source, and it does this out of the box, but...

People who cannot run the Teleport daemon on every server have been asking us how to record SSH sessions using good old OpenSSH. Even organizations who would like to be full Teleport users usually have legacy pockets where sshd cannot be replaced.

TLDR; Starting with version 2.4, Teleport can now be used in a "recording proxy" mode, so you can keep your fleet of OpenSSH servers and have your SSH sessions stored on the Teleport audit server.

Before we dive into how to configure it, let's take a look at how session recording usually works in a pure-Teleport installation.


In the default Teleport cluster configuration, destination nodes submit SSH session traffic to the auth server for storage. These recorded sessions can be replayed later via the tsh play command or in a web browser.

Some Teleport users believe that audit and session recording happen on the Teleport proxy server. This is not the case because a proxy cannot see the encrypted traffic, it is encrypted end-to-end, i.e. from an SSH client to an SSH server/node, see the diagram below:

EProxyNodeAuthAuditClientSSHSSHHTTPSDSSH connectionHTTPS connectionEncryptedDecryptedED

Starting with Teleport 2.4, it is now possible to configure the Teleport proxy to enable the "recording proxy mode". In this mode, the proxy terminates (decrypts) the SSH connection using the certificate supplied by the client via SSH agent forwarding and then establishes its own SSH connection to the final destination server, effectively becoming an authorized "man in the middle".

This allows the proxy server to forward SSH session data to the auth server to be recorded, as shown below:

DEEProxyEClientSSH connectionHTTPS connectionEncryptedDecryptedEDSSHSSHNodeDAuthAgentkeyforwardingAudit

The recording proxy mode, although less secure, was added to allow Teleport users to enable session recording for OpenSSH servers running sshd, which is helpful when gradually transitioning large server fleets to Teleport.

We consider the "recording proxy mode" to be less secure for two reasons:

  1. It grants additional privileges to the Teleport proxy. In the default mode, the proxy stores no secrets and cannot "see" the decrypted data. This makes a proxy less critical to the security of the overall cluster. If an attacker gains physical access to a proxy node running in the "recording proxy" mode, they will be able to see the decrypted traffic and client keys stored in proxy's process memory.
  2. Recording proxy mode requires the SSH agent forwarding. Agent forwarding is required because without it a proxy will not be able to establish the 2nd connection to a destination node.

How to set it up

To add session recording to your fleet of OpenSSH servers you will have to:

  1. Install a Teleport auth+proxy server. For simplicity of this post we can assume that a single Teleport process is running both.
  2. Configure Teleport to use the proxy recording mode.
  3. Configure your sshd servers to trust certificates issued by Teleport auth server.

Let's look into each step.

Installing Teleport

Teleport is a single binary which can be downloaded from the Teleport's download page or you can build your own from the source. Before starting Teleport, you have to create /etc/teleport.yaml first as shown below:

   # IMPORTANT: this line enables the proxy recording / OpenSSH mode:
   session_recording: "proxy"

   # For better security it’s recommended to enable host checking as well,
   # this is when the Teleport proxy will verify the identity of the
   # nodes. Teleport documentation covers how to issue host certificates,
   # but for simplicity of this tutorial we are disabling strict host
   # checking here
   proxy_checks_host_keys: no

   # turn 2FA off to make the tutorial easier to follow
      second_factor: off

Now you can start Teleport proxy + auth servers. They can be executed by the same binary:

$ teleport start --roles=auth,proxy

With the server running, let’s add a user:

# this line says that a user “joe” can request a certificate for himself but also for ‘root’ and ‘ec2-user’
$ tctl users add joe joe,root,ec2-user

This will print a URL where Joe can finish creating his Teleport user record. Teleport will now be able to issue self-expiring SSH certificates for Joe.

Configuring OpenSSH servers

Now we must configure OpenSSH servers to trust users who will be connecting via a Teleport proxy. We need to provide them with the Teleport public CA key, which we need to export first:

$ tctl auth export --type=user > teleport_user_ca.pub

Remove "cert-authority" prefix from the file (so the first line starts with “ssh-”) and save it to /etc/ssh/teleport_user_ca.pub on every OpenSSH machine.

Add the following line to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/teleport_user_ca.pub

IMPORTANT: make sure to restart sshd daemon after updating its configuration.

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Trying it out

Now, Joe can request a certificate (assuming that Teleport is running on teleport-proxy.example.com):

$ tsh login --proxy=teleport-proxy.example.com

Remember, the SSH agent forwarding must be enabled for this to work. TSH will try to load the certificate into the active agent. You can verify if the agent is active and contains the certificate by executing ssh-add -L.

Finally, lets login into a node:

# TSH SSH to use default ssh port:22
$ tsh ssh --port=22 [email protected]
# Example for an Amazon EC2 Host
# tsh ssh --port=22 [email protected]

NOTE: it is also possible to use a regular OpenSSH client ssh, which needs a little bit of additional configuration.

The session will be recorded and you can replay it later via the Web UI served by the Teleport proxy or via CLI (if you know the session ID):

$ tsh play <session-id>

And here's how a recorded session will look like in the web UI, kind of like your personal YouTube for SSH:

TSH Session Recording Session
TSH Session Recording Session


To recap, here is what you need to do to record SSH sessions with OpenSSH:

  1. Install and configure a Teleport proxy node.
  2. Configure OpenSSH nodes to trust user certificates issued by Teleport.
  3. Use Teleport to issue host SSH certificates and distribute them to OpenSSH nodes. Or disable strict host checking in Teleport proxy.
  4. Make sure that SSH agent is running on a client.

We hope this allows people still using OpenSSH on target nodes to receive the benefits of Teleport’s recorded sessions and audit capabilities. You can read more about Teleport's OpenSSH mode or reach out to us for a demo.


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