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Security Best Practices for Privileged Access Management of Cloud-Native Infrastructure

Download this resource to learn how Teleport delivers security best practices for privileged access management of cloud-native infrastructure. This tech paper outlines the challenges of modern privileged access management and how Teleport enforces the use of proxies, uses ephemeral certificates instead of static keys, and implements role-based access controls. It also covers integration with existing identity management services, audit logging, and support for both modern and legacy access patterns.

Book cover for "Security Best Practices for Privileged Access Management of Cloud-Native Infrastructure"

Download the PDF to learn:

The challenges of modern privileged access management and how Teleport enforces the use of proxies, uses ephemeral certificates instead of static keys, and implements role-based access controls. This resource also covers integration with existing identity management services, audit logging, and support for both modern and legacy access patterns.


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