Experience unparalleled security and ease in managing Rabbitmq with Teleport.
Protect your data like never before!
Teleport provides functionality to automatically register and manage access to RabbitMQ instances.12
The documentation demonstrates an example of a client application that:
Here's an example of how you can test this integration:
docker image pull public.ecr.aws/gravitational/teleport-distroless:16.2.0
go run main.go
for i in {1..3}; do docker run -d rabbitmq:3-management; done;
tsh apps ls
This should list the registered RabbitMQ applications.2
This integration allows you to manage access to your RabbitMQ instances through Teleport, providing secure, audited access to the RabbitMQ management API.
You can use Teleport VNet with RabbitMQ, as RabbitMQ is a TCP application. VNet is designed to automatically proxy connections from your computer to TCP apps available through Teleport.1