Navigating Access Challenges in Kubernetes-Based Infrastructure
Sep 19
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Teleport Built and Supported

Secure and Simplify GitHub RBAC and Audit with Teleport

Experience unparalleled security and ease in managing GitHub with Teleport.
Protect your data like never before!

Teleport can work with GitHub in several ways:

  • Machine ID for GitHub Actions: Teleport allows GitHub Actions to securely interact with Teleport-protected resources without long-lived credentials. This works for both GitHub-hosted and self-hosted GitHub Actions runners, as well as GitHub Enterprise Server.
  • Certificate Authority Integration: Teleport's Certificate Authority can be used with GitHub's SSH Certificate Authorities support. This allows users to access their organization's repositories using short-lived, signed SSH certificates issued by Teleport.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) with GitHub: Teleport can be configured to use GitHub as an SSO provider. This allows you to automatically map teams in your GitHub organization to users and roles in Teleport.

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