Home - Teleport Blog - Upcoming Changes to GitHub SAML SSO with Teleport - Oct 5, 2022
Upcoming Changes to GitHub SAML SSO with Teleport
Since at Teleport we're keen on keeping the Teleport open source community updated on all product features and developments, we wanted to share an update about the availability of GitHub SAML SSO in the Community edition. Read on for more details and for exploring options in light of this update.
Beginning in Teleport 11.0, GitHub SAML SSO will only be available in our Enterprise Edition. Of course, you can continue to use GitHub SSO without SAML in our Community Edition. To keep using GitHub SSO with the Community Edition, just make sure that SAML SSO is disabled for your GitHub organization. Teleport Community Edition users can continue to use GitHub SSO if using a Github Free or Team GitHub Plan.
Why are we making this change?
We are making this change because our intent was always for SAML-based SSO to be available in the Enterprise Edition only while small teams could still use GitHub SSO for convenience. Due to the way GitHub SSO works though, it was possible to get SAML SSO without subscribing to the Enterprise Edition. This change removes this option.
What are my options?
Don't worry, there are still options for you to be able to keep using GitHub connectors with GitHub Enterprise organizations that have SAML SSO enabled. In this scenario, Teleport Community users can:
- Consider upgrading to Teleport Enterprise to get built-in support for OIDC, SAML and GitHub Enterprise (self-hosted or Cloud) SSO.
- Keep using Teleport 10 and prior which will keep working as before. Teleport supports its major releases for 9 months after the initial release.
What’s next for Teleport?
We're actively working on new features so both our Community and Enterprise Editions give the community the tools they need to effectively and successfully manage their infrastructure anywhere it lives. Be sure to check out what’s new in Teleport 11 when it’s released in October 2022.
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