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Database Access Configuration Reference

Database service configuration

The following snippet shows full YAML configuration of a Database Service appearing in teleport.yaml configuration file:

# Enables the Database Service.
enabled: "yes"

# Matchers for database resources created with "tctl create" command or by the
# discovery service.
# See "Database labels reference" (
# to learn more on database labels.
- labels:
"*": "*"
# Optional AWS role that the Database Service will assume to access the
# databases.
assume_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-role-name"
external_id: "example-external-id"

# Matchers for registering AWS-hosted databases.
# Database types. Valid options are:
# 'rds' - discovers and registers AWS RDS and Aurora databases.
# 'rdsproxy' - discovers and registers AWS RDS Proxy databases.
# 'redshift' - discovers and registers AWS Redshift databases.
# 'redshift-serverless' - discovers and registers AWS Redshift Serverless databases.
# 'elasticache' - discovers and registers AWS ElastiCache Redis databases.
# 'memorydb' - discovers and registers AWS MemoryDB Redis databases.
# 'opensearch' - discovers and registers AWS OpenSearch Redis databases.
- types: ["rds", "rdsproxy","redshift", "redshift-serverless", "elasticache", "memorydb", "opensearch"]
# AWS regions to register databases from.
regions: ["us-west-1", "us-east-2"]
# Optional AWS role that the Database Service will assume to discover
# and register AWS-hosted databases.
# Discovered databases are also accessed by the Database Service via
# this role.
assume_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-role-name"
# Optional AWS external ID that the Database Service will use to assume
# a role in an external AWS account.
external_id: "example-external-id"
# AWS resource tags to match when registering databases.
"*": "*"

# Matchers for registering Azure-hosted databases.
# Database types. Valid options are:
# 'mysql' - discovers and registers Azure MySQL databases.
# 'postgres' - discovers and registers Azure PostgreSQL databases.
# 'redis' - discovers and registers Azure Cache for Redis databases.
# 'sqlserver' - discovers and registers Azure SQL Server databases.
- types: ["mysql", "postgres", "redis", "sqlserver"]
# Azure regions to register databases from. Valid options are:
# '*' - discovers databases in all regions (default).
# Any valid Azure region name. List all valid regions using the Azure "az" cli: `az account list-locations -o table`
regions: ["eastus", "westus"]
# Azure subscription IDs to register databases from. Valid options are:
# '*' - discovers databases in all subscriptions (default).
subscriptions: ["11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"]
# Azure resource groups to register databases from. Valid options are:
# '*' - discovers databases in all resource groups within configured subscription(s) (default).
resource_groups: ["group1", "group2"]
# Azure resource tags to match when registering databases.
"*": "*"

# Lists statically registered databases proxied by this agent.
# Name of the database proxy instance, used to reference in CLI.
- name: "prod"

# Free-form description of the database proxy instance.
description: "Production database"

# Database protocol. Valid options are:
# "cassandra"
# "clickhouse"
# "clickhouse-http"
# "cockroachdb"
# "dynamodb"
# "elasticsearch"
# "mongodb"
# "mysql"
# "oracle"
# "postgres"
# "redis"
# "snowflake"
# "spanner"
# "sqlserver"
protocol: "postgres"

# Database connection endpoint. Must be reachable from Database Service.
uri: ""

# Optional TLS configuration.
# TLS verification mode. Valid options are:
# 'verify-full' - performs full certificate validation (default).
# 'verify-ca' - the same as `verify-full`, but skips the server name validation.
# 'insecure' - accepts any certificate provided by database (not recommended).
mode: verify-full
# Optional database DNS server name. It allows to override the DNS name on
# a client certificate when connecting to a database.
# Use only with 'verify-full' mode.
# Optional path to the CA used to validate the database certificate.
ca_cert_file: /path/to/pem
# Optional configuration that allows Teleport to trust certificate
# authorities available on the host system. If not set (by default),
# Teleport only trusts self-signed databases with TLS certificates signed
# by Teleport's Database Server CA or the ca_cert_file specified in this
# TLS setting. For cloud-hosted databases, Teleport downloads the
# corresponding required CAs for validation.
trust_system_cert_pool: false

# MySQL only options.
# The default MySQL server version reported by Teleport Proxy.
# When this option is set the Database Agent doesn't try to check the MySQL server version.
server_version: 8.0.28

# Optional admin user configuration for Automatic User Provisioning.
# Name of the admin user.
name: "teleport-admin"
# Optional default database the admin user logs into. See individual
# guides for default value.
default_database: "teleport"

# Optional AWS configuration for AWS hosted databases. AWS region- and
# service-specific configurations can usually be auto-detected from the
# endpoint.
# Region the database is deployed in.
region: "us-east-1"
# Optional AWS role that the Database Service will assume to access
# this database.
assume_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-role-name"
# Optional AWS external ID that the Database Service will use to assume
# a role in an external AWS account.
external_id: "example-external-id"
# Redshift-specific configuration.
# Redshift cluster identifier.
cluster_id: "redshift-cluster-1"
# RDS-specific configuration.
# RDS instance identifier.
instance_id: "rds-instance-1"
# RDS Aurora cluster identifier.
cluster_id: "aurora-cluster-1"
# ElastiCache-specific configuration.
# ElastiCache replication group identifier.
replication_group_id: "elasticache-replication-group-1"
# MemoryDB-specific configuration.
# MemoryDB cluster name.
cluster_name: "memorydb-cluster-1"

# Optional AWS Secrets Manager configuration for managing ElastiCache
# or MemoryDB users.
# IMPORTANT: please make sure databases sharing the same Teleport-managed
# users have the same secret_store configuration. The configuration
# should also be consistent across all Database Services in High
# Availability (HA) mode.
# Prefix to all secrets created by the service. Defaults to 'teleport/'.
key_prefix: "teleport/"
# KMS Key ID used for secret encryption and description. If not
# specified, Secrets Manager uses AWS managed key 'aws/secretsmanager'
# by default.
kms_key_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"

# Optional session tags used when assuming IAM roles for DynamoDB access.
dynamodb_table_name: "table-a"

# GCP specific configuration for Cloud SQL and Spanner databases.
# GCP project ID.
project_id: "xxx-1234"
# Cloud SQL instance ID.
instance_id: "example"

# Settings specific to Active Directory authentication e.g. for SQL Server.
# Path to Kerberos keytab file.
keytab_file: /path/to/keytab
# Active Directory domain name.
# Service Principal Name to obtain Kerberos tickets for.
spn: MSSQLSvc/
# Optional path to Kerberos configuration file. Defaults to /etc/krb5.conf.
krb5_file: /etc/krb5.conf

# Optional configuration for Azure hosted databases.
# Set is_flexi_server to true when using an Azure flexible server.
is_flexi_server: false
# Resource ID for the database in Azure. This field is required for Azure Cache for Redis databases.
resource_id: "/subscriptions/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/resourceGroups/example-group/providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/example-db-name"

# Static labels to assign to the database. Used in RBAC.
env: "prod"

# Dynamic labels ("commands"). Used in RBAC.
- name: "hostname"
command: ["hostname"]
period: 1m0s

Proxy configuration

The following Proxy service configuration is relevant for database access:

TLS for database connections

The --insecure-no-tls tsh flag is only supported for MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL connections using a unique port, specified with mysql_public_addr or postgres_public_addr.

enabled: "yes"
# Database proxy is listening on the regular web proxy port.
web_listen_addr: ""
# MySQL proxy is listening on a separate port and needs to be enabled
# on the proxy server.
mysql_listen_addr: ""
# MySQL Server version allows you to overwrite the default Teleport Proxy Service MySQL version (8.0.0-Teleport)
# Note that if the MySQL client connection is using TLS Routing the dynamic MySQL Server Version takes
# precedence over the mysql_server_version proxy settings.
# mysql_server_version: "8.0.4"
# Postgres proxy listening address. If provided, proxy will use a separate listener
# instead of multiplexing Postgres protocol on web_listener_addr.
# postgres_listen_addr: ""
# Mongo proxy listening address. If provided, proxy will use a separate listener
# instead of multiplexing Mongo protocol on web_listener_addr.
# mongo_listen_addr: ""
# By default database clients will be connecting to the Proxy over this
# hostname. To override public address for specific database protocols
# use postgres_public_addr and mysql_public_addr.
public_addr: ""
# Address advertised to MySQL clients. If not set, public_addr is used.
mysql_public_addr: ""
# Address advertised to PostgreSQL clients. If not set, public_addr is used.
postgres_public_addr: ""
# Address advertised to Mongo clients. If not set, public_addr is used.
mongo_public_addr: ""

Database resource

Full YAML spec of database resources managed by tctl resource commands:

kind: db
version: v3
# Database resource name.
name: example

# Database resource description.
description: "Example database"

# Database resource static labels.
env: example

# Database protocol. Valid options are:
# "cassandra"
# "clickhouse"
# "clickhouse-http"
# "cockroachdb"
# "dynamodb"
# "elasticsearch"
# "mongodb"
# "mysql"
# "oracle"
# "postgres"
# "redis"
# "snowflake"
# "spanner"
# "sqlserver"
protocol: "postgres"

# Database connection endpoint.
uri: "localhost:5432"

# Optional TLS configuration.
# TLS verification mode. Valid options are:
# 'verify-full' - performs full certificate validation (default).
# 'verify-ca' - the same as `verify-full`, but skips the server name validation.
# 'insecure' - accepts any certificate provided by database (not recommended).
mode: verify-full
# Optional database DNS server name. It allows to override the DNS name on
# a client certificate when connecting to a database.
# Use only with 'verify-full' mode.
# Optional CA for validating the database certificate.
ca_cert: |
# Optional configuration that allows Teleport to trust certificate
# authorities available on the host system. If not set (by default),
# Teleport only trusts self-signed databases with TLS certificates signed
# by Teleport's Database Server CA or the ca_cert specified in this TLS
# setting. For cloud-hosted databases, Teleport downloads the corresponding
# required CAs for validation.
trust_system_cert_pool: false

# Database admin user for automatic user provisioning.
# Database admin user name.
name: "teleport-admin"

# MySQL only options.
# The MySQL server version reported by the Teleport Proxy Service.
# Teleport uses this string when reporting the server version to a
# connecting client.
# When this option is not set, the Database Service will try to connect to
# a MySQL instance on startup and fetch the server version. Otherwise,
# it will use the provided value without connecting to a database.
# In both cases, the MySQL server version reported to a client will be
# updated on the first successful connection made by a user.
# Teleport uses that string instead of default '8.0.0-Teleport' version when reporting
# the server version to a connecting client. When this option is not set, the Database Service will try
# to connect to MySQL instance on startup and fetch the server version.
# Otherwise, it will use the provided value without connecting to a database.
# In both cases MySQL server version reported to a client will be updated on the first successful
# connection made by a user.
server_version: 8.0.28

# Optional AWS configuration for RDS/Aurora/Redshift. Can be auto-detected from the endpoint.
# Region the database is deployed in.
region: "us-east-1"
# Optional AWS role that the Database Service will assume to access
# this database.
assume_role_arn: "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/example-role-name"
# Optional AWS external ID that the Database Service will use to assume
# a role in an external AWS account.
external_id: "example-external-id"
# Redshift specific configuration.
# Redshift cluster identifier.
cluster_id: "redshift-cluster-1"

# GCP configuration (required for Cloud SQL and Spanner databases).
# GCP project ID.
project_id: "xxx-1234"
# Cloud SQL instance ID.
instance_id: "example"

# Settings specific to Active Directory authentication e.g. for SQL Server.
# Path to Kerberos keytab file.
keytab_file: /path/to/keytab
# Active Directory domain name.
# Service Principal Name to obtain Kerberos tickets for.
spn: MSSQLSvc/
# Optional path to Kerberos configuration file. Defaults to /etc/krb5.conf.
krb5_file: /etc/krb5.conf

# Optional dynamic labels.
- name: "hostname"
command: ["hostname"]
period: 1m0s

You can create a new db resource by running the following commands, which assume that you have created a YAML file called db.yaml with your configuration:

# Log in to your cluster with tsh so you can use tctl from your local machine.
# You can also run tctl on your Auth Service host without running "tsh login"
# first.
$ tsh login --user=myuser
# Create the resource
$ tctl create -f db.yaml