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YAML Validator

Quickly check your YAML data for syntax errors with this free online tool.

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Deployment failures due to YAML syntax errors can be incredibly frustrating, especially after hours of preparing your launch. YAML validators offer a proactive solution, identifying potential issues before they disrupt your workflow.

In this article, you'll discover how these tools work behind the scenes to verify your YAML files and guarantee error-free deployments. We'll explore the different types of validators available, discuss best practices for writing valid YAML, and provide actionable tips for integrating these tools into your existing workflows. By the end, you'll have the knowledge and resources to effectively prevent YAML syntax errors and streamline your deployments.

Now, let's get started by discussing what exactly a YAML validator is.

What Is a YAML Validator?

A YAML validator is a tool that analyzes YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) files for adherence to syntax rules, such as proper indentation, matching key-value pairs, and correct data types, verifying that configurations are valid and usable. Instead of relying on manual checks, a YAML validator automates this process, providing immediate feedback on the structural integrity of your YAML code.

Example of a YAML Validator

Let's consider a simple example to illustrate how a YAML validator functions. Imagine you have the following YAML code:

# Invalid YAML due to inconsistent indentation
name: John Doe
age: 30
 city: New York

After processing this code, a YAML validator would immediately flag the inconsistent indentation under the city key. This early detection prevents potential issues when the YAML file is parsed by an application.

Types of YAML Validators

YAML validators come in various forms, each catering to different needs and workflows. Let's explore the three main types:

Online YAML Validators

Online YAML validators provide a convenient way to check your YAML code directly in your web browser. These tools typically involve pasting your code into a web interface and instantly receiving feedback on its validity.


  • Accessibility: No installation required; accessible from any device with internet access.
  • Quick Checks: Ideal for validating small snippets of code or quickly verifying syntax.

IDE Plugins and Extensions

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) plugins provide real-time validation of YAML code, alerting you to syntax errors as you write it out. These plugins integrate seamlessly into your coding environment, providing immediate feedback without switching contexts.


  • Real-time Feedback: Catches errors as you type, promoting cleaner code from the outset.
  • Contextual Assistance: Often provides suggestions for auto-completion and error resolution.


  • Visual Studio Code: YAML Support by Red Hat
  • IntelliJ IDEA: Built-in YAML support
  • Sublime Text: YAML plugin

Command-Line YAML Validators

Command-line YAML validators offer flexibility for automating validation tasks within scripts or build processes. These tools are invoked directly from your terminal, giving you detailed output on the validity of your YAML files.


  • Automation: Easily integrated into build scripts or continuous integration pipelines.
  • Batch Processing: Validates multiple YAML files efficiently.


  • yamllint: A widely used linter for YAML files.
  • kubeval: Specifically designed for validating Kubernetes resource definitions.
# Example usage of yamllint
yamllint my-config.yaml

Benefits of Using a YAML Validator

Catching Syntax Errors Early

Validators serve as an essential tool for identifying syntax errors early in the development process, significantly reducing the risk of deployment failures. By detecting and highlighting errors during the coding, you prevent these issues from propagating to later stages, where they inherently become more time-consuming and expensive to fix.

Ensuring Consistency and Readability

Validators also help you write YAML code that's clean, consistent, and easy to understand. This is especially important when you're working with your team, as it guarantees everyone is on the same page. Consistent formatting improves code readability, making it easier for others (and your future self) to understand and maintain.

Preventing Deployment Failures

Invalid YAML code can cause your deployments to fail, which can be a major setback. Validators act as a safety net, helping you prevent these failures by making sure your YAML code is syntactically correct. In the context of infrastructure-as-code or automated deployments, using a validator becomes even more critical to guarantee smooth and error-free releases.

Saving Time and Effort

Manually checking YAML code for errors is time-consuming and error-prone. Validators automate this process, freeing up your time so you can focus on more important tasks. This automation allows you to concentrate on the logic and functionality of your configurations, leaving the syntax checking to the validator. 

How Does a YAML Validator Work?

YAML validators analyze your YAML code against established syntax rules, such as proper indentation, correct use of colons, and data type validation, verifying compliance with YAML specifications. They achieve this through a process that typically involves:

  1. Parsing: The validator reads your YAML file and constructs an internal representation of its structure, often using a YAML parser library.
  2. Syntax Validation: The validator checks the parsed structure against the rules of YAML syntax. This includes verifying indentation, key-value pair syntax, data types, and other structural elements.
  3. Schema Validation (Optional): Some validators allow you to define or use a schema that outlines specific rules for your YAML data. This ensures that your configuration sticks to predefined data structures and types.
  4. Error Reporting: If any errors are found, the validator provides detailed information about the location and type of error, often with suggestions for correction.

YAML Validators for Different Platforms

YAML Validator for Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code users benefit from the "YAML Support by Red Hat" extension. This extension provides comprehensive YAML validation, including:

  • Real-time Syntax Highlighting: Identifies syntax errors as you type.
  • Code Completion: Offers suggestions for keys, values, and data types.
  • Formatting: Helps maintain consistent indentation and style.

YAML Validator for IntelliJ

IntelliJ IDEA offers powerful built-in support for YAML validation. This includes:

  • On-the-fly Error Highlighting: Detects errors in real-time.
  • Code Completion: Provides suggestions for keys, values, and structure.
  • Navigation: Allows easy jumping between YAML elements.

YAML Validator for Kubernetes

For Kubernetes users, specialized validators such as kubeval can help verify that your YAML configurations adhere to Kubernetes resource definitions, preventing common deployment issues. kubeval specifically checks your YAML against the Kubernetes API server's schema, confirming that your deployments, services, and other resources are correctly defined.

How to Use a YAML Validator

Using a YAML validator is a pretty straightforward process. Here's a quick guide:

  1. Choose a YAML Validator: Pick a YAML validator that aligns with your development environment, such as an IDE plugin for real-time validation or a command-line tool for batch processing.
  2. Install the YAML Validator: Follow the installation instructions for your chosen validator. IDE plugins are usually available through the IDE's marketplace, while command-line tools might require using a package manager.
  3. Open or Paste Your YAML File: Open your YAML file in the validator. This might involve opening the file directly in your IDE, pasting the code into an online validator, or specifying the file path in the command line.
  4. Run the Validation: Start the validation process. This might happen automatically as you type in an IDE, require clicking a "Validate" button in an online tool, or involve running a command in the terminal.
  5. Review and Fix Errors: Carefully review the validation results. The validator will highlight any errors and often provide helpful information about the issue. Fix the errors in your YAML file based on the feedback and re-run the validation to guarantee your updated YAML is correct.

Tips for Writing Valid YAML

While YAML validators are helpful for catching syntax errors, following best practices during the writing process can help you avoid common pitfalls and write cleaner YAML code from the start:

Use Consistent Indentation

Use a consistent number of spaces (typically two or four) for each indentation level, as improper indentation can lead to syntax errors.

Follow Key-Value Pair Syntax

When defining key-value pairs, separate the key and value with a colon and a space. For example: key: value

Enclose Strings with Quotes

If your strings contain special characters or start with a reserved indicator, wrap them in single or double quotes to avoid parsing issues.

Validate YAML Files Regularly

Make it a habit to validate your YAML files frequently during development. This helps you catch errors early and maintain clean, error-free code throughout your project.

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