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What is Time-Based One-Time Password & How it Works

Posted 1st Aug 2024 by Ben Arent

In an era where cybersecurity threats are more sophisticated than ever, securing user accounts is paramount. While passwords remain a common authentication method, their inherent vulnerabilities make them susceptible to attacks like phishing and brute-force. This is where multi-factor authentication (MFA) comes in, adding an extra layer of security to protect your valuable data and systems. One of the most popular and effective MFA methods is TOTP, short for Time-based One-Time Password. This article will delve into the inner workings of TOTP, explore its benefits and use cases, and discuss how it compares to other authentication methods.

What is TOTP?

TOTP, or Time-based One-Time Password, is an algorithm that generates a unique, temporary passcode for authentication. It's a specific implementation of the more general One-Time Password (OTP) concept. Unlike static passwords, which remain the same until changed, TOTP codes are valid for a short period, typically 30 seconds. This "time step" is crucial to TOTP's security, as it significantly reduces the window of opportunity for attackers to exploit stolen or intercepted codes.

How TOTP Works: A Behind-the-Scenes Look

At the heart of TOTP is a shared secret, a unique key known to both the authentication server and the user's device. This secret is typically generated during the initial setup process and is securely stored on both ends.

Here's a simplified breakdown of how TOTP works:

  1. Initialization: The user sets up TOTP on their device, often by scanning a QR code provided by the service. This QR code encodes the shared secret.
  2. Synchronization: Both the authentication server and the user's device use the shared secret, along with the current time, as inputs to the TOTP algorithm.
  3. Code Generation: The TOTP algorithm, defined in RFC 6238, uses a cryptographic hash function, typically SHA-1, to generate a unique code based on the shared secret and the current time.
  4. Verification: The user enters the generated TOTP code into the service. The authentication server, using the same shared secret and the current time, independently generates its own TOTP code.
  5. Authentication: If the user-entered code matches the server-generated code, authentication is successful.

The Importance of the Time Step

TOTP's reliance on the current time is key to its security. The "time step," usually 30 seconds, determines the validity period of each TOTP code. This means that even if a hacker intercepts a TOTP code, it's only useful for a very short time.

Benefits of Using TOTP

TOTP offers several advantages over traditional password-based authentication:

  • Stronger Security: The use of a shared secret and a constantly changing passcode makes it significantly more difficult for hackers to compromise user’s account.
  • Resistance to Phishing: Unlike static passwords, TOTP codes are resistant to phishing attacks. Even if a user accidentally enters their TOTP code on a malicious website, the code is only valid for a short period and is useless to the attacker beyond that.
  • Improved User Experience: Once set up, TOTP authenticator apps are generally easy to use. Users simply open the app and enter the displayed code.
  • Widely Supported: TOTP is an open standard supported by numerous authenticator apps and services, making it easy to implement and use.

Comparing TOTP to Other MFA Methods

While TOTP is a powerful MFA method, it's essential to understand how it compares to other options:

  • SMS (Text Message): SMS-based OTPs are another popular MFA method. However, SMS is inherently less secure than TOTP. SMS messages can be intercepted, and SIM swapping attacks allow hackers to hijack a user's phone number and receive their messages.
  • Push Notifications: Some services offer push notifications as a second factor. While convenient, push notifications can be vulnerable to social engineering attacks.
  • Biometric Authentication: Biometric methods like fingerprint scanning and facial recognition are becoming increasingly popular. They offer a high level of security and convenience but require specific hardware and raise privacy concerns.

Popular TOTP Authenticator Apps

There are numerous TOTP authenticator apps available for mobile devices, both for iOS and Android:

  • Google Authenticator: Perhaps the most well-known TOTP app, Google Authenticator is simple, reliable, and available for both Android and iOS.
  • Authy: Authy offers cloud backup and synchronization, allowing you to easily restore your TOTP accounts if you lose your device. It also supports multiple devices.
  • Microsoft Authenticator: Microsoft's authenticator app also supports push notifications and password management features.
  • 1Password: While primarily a password manager, 1Password also includes a built-in TOTP generator.

TOTP in Action: Real-World Use Cases

TOTP finds its application across a wide range of services and scenarios:

  • Online Accounts: Many online services, including email providers, social media platforms, and financial institutions, offer TOTP as a second factor authentication option.
  • Remote Access: TOTP can be used to secure remote access to servers, databases, and other critical infrastructure. Teleport, for example, supports TOTP authentication alongside single sign-on (SSO) and other robust security measures.
  • API Access: TOTP can be used to secure API access, preventing unauthorized use of sensitive data and services.
  • Password Managers: Some password managers use TOTP as a second factor for accessing the password vault.

TOTP: A Cornerstone of Modern Security

TOTP has become a cornerstone of modern security practices, providing a simple yet effective way to bolster the security of user accounts. By eliminating the reliance on static passwords and leveraging a time-bound code generation algorithm, TOTP significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

While no security method is foolproof, TOTP, especially when combined with strong password algorithms and other security measures, offers a robust layer of security against today's evolving cyber threats. As organizations and individuals continue to prioritize online security, TOTP will likely remain an essential part of our digital lives.

Best Practices for Implementing TOTP

While TOTP provides a robust layer of security, its effectiveness depends on proper implementation. Here are some best practices to consider:

  • Strong Secret Keys: The foundation of TOTP security lies in the shared secret key. Ensure this key is generated using a cryptographically secure random number generator and is sufficiently long (at least 128 bits) to resist brute-force attacks.
  • Secure Key Storage: Protect the secret key both on the server and the user's device. Avoid storing it in easily accessible locations like plain-text files or unprotected databases. Consider using secure storage mechanisms like key vaults or hardware security modules.
  • Time Synchronization: TOTP relies on accurate time synchronization between the user's device and the server. Ensure both systems have their clocks synchronized with a reliable time source to prevent code discrepancies.
  • Rate Limiting and Account Lockout: Implement rate limiting to prevent excessive authentication attempts from a single IP address or user account. Consider temporary account lockouts after a certain number of failed attempts to deter brute-force attacks.
  • User Education: Educate users about the importance of TOTP and how to use it securely. Emphasize the risks of sharing their secret keys or codes and provide clear instructions for setting up and managing their TOTP authenticators.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Even with TOTP's inherent strengths, some common pitfalls can weaken its effectiveness:

  • Weak Secret Keys: Using short or easily guessable secret keys significantly weakens TOTP security. Always prioritize strong, randomly generated keys.
  • Insecure Key Storage: Storing secret keys in plaintext or poorly protected locations makes them vulnerable to theft and misuse. Employ secure storage mechanisms to safeguard these credentials.
  • Poor Time Synchronization: Significant time discrepancies between the server and the user's device can lead to valid TOTP codes being rejected. Ensure accurate time synchronization across all systems.
  • Lack of Rate Limiting: Failing to implement rate limiting leaves your system vulnerable to brute-force attacks. Limit authentication attempts and implement lockout mechanisms to deter such attacks.
  • Inadequate User Education: Users unaware of TOTP's importance or how to use it securely might engage in risky practices, compromising the system. Provide clear guidance and education on TOTP security best practices.

Practical Application: Securing Remote Server Access

Imagine a scenario where a company wants to secure SSH access to its servers. By implementing TOTP as a second factor alongside SSH keys, they significantly enhance security. When an engineer attempts to connect, they provide their SSH key for initial authentication. Then, they enter the time-sensitive code from their HOTP authenticator app for verification. This two-step process ensures that even if an attacker steals the SSH key, they cannot access the server without the temporary code, preventing unauthorized access.

Future Trends in TOTP

TOTP continues to evolve as technology advances and security threats become more sophisticated. Here are some future trends:

  • Push Notifications: Instead of relying on manually entered codes, some authenticator apps now offer push notifications. Users simply approve the login attempt on their device, streamlining the process while maintaining security.
  • Hardware Integration: We're seeing increasing integration of TOTP functionality directly into hardware devices like security keys and smartphones. This eliminates the reliance on separate authenticator apps and enhances security by keeping the secret key isolated within the device.
  • Biometric Verification: Combining TOTP with biometric authentication methods like fingerprint or facial recognition adds an extra layer of security and user convenience.
  • Blockchain Integration: Blockchain technology holds potential for decentralized and tamper-proof secret key management, further enhancing TOTP security.


TOTP has become a cornerstone of modern two-factor authentication. By understanding its workings, implementing best practices, and adapting to emerging trends, organizations and individuals can leverage its strengths to significantly enhance their security posture. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, TOTP will undoubtedly play a vital role in securing access and protecting sensitive data.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is TOTP?

TOTP, which stands for Time-based One-Time Password, is a multi-factor authentication method that generates a unique, temporary passcode for user logins. These passcodes are valid for a short period, typically 30 seconds, enhancing security by minimizing the window of opportunity for attackers to use stolen or intercepted codes.

How does TOTP work?

TOTP relies on a shared secret key, known to both the authentication server and the user's device. Using this secret key and the current time, both the server and the device independently generate the same temporary passcode using a cryptographic algorithm. If the user-entered code matches the server-generated one, authentication is successful.

What is a TOTP authenticator?

A TOTP authenticator is an application or hardware device that implements the TOTP algorithm to generate time-based one-time passwords. Popular TOTP authenticator apps include Google Authenticator, Authy, Microsoft Authenticator, and 1Password.

What is a TOTP code?

A TOTP code is a short, numeric passcode generated by a TOTP authenticator. These codes are temporary and typically valid for 30 seconds. They are used as a second factor of authentication, supplementing your primary password.

How to use TOTP?

To use TOTP, you first need to enable it on the service you want to secure. Then, you'll need to install a TOTP authenticator app on your device and scan a QR code provided by the service. This QR code will link your device to your account. After setup, you'll use the app to generate time-based codes for logins.