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Secure PostgreSQL with RADIUS Authentication: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted 29th Jul 2024 by Ben Arent

Maintaining the security of your PostgreSQL database is paramount, especially in today's threat landscape. While traditional username and password authentication methods are common, they often fall short in providing a truly secure access control mechanism. This is where RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) authentication comes into play.

PostgreSQL RADIUS authentication enables centralized user management and adds an extra layer of security to your database. Instead of managing credentials directly within PostgreSQL, you leverage the power of a dedicated RADIUS server. This approach provides numerous benefits for your organization.

Why Choose PostgreSQL RADIUS Authentication?

Implementing PostgreSQL RADIUS authentication offers a number of advantages over traditional methods:

  • Centralized Authentication: Manage user access and permissions for multiple databases and services from a single RADIUS server, simplifying administration and improving consistency.
  • Enhanced Security: Enforce strong password policies, implement multi-factor authentication, and eliminate the need to store database credentials directly on the PostgreSQL server.
  • Streamlined User Experience: Users can access the database with their existing network credentials, eliminating the need for separate database passwords.

Key Concepts Before You Begin

Before we dive into the implementation, let's clarify some key concepts:

  • RADIUS Server: The central authority that handles authentication requests. Popular options include FreeRADIUS and Microsoft NPS (Network Policy Server).
  • RADIUS Client: The PostgreSQL server, which is configured to communicate with the RADIUS server for authentication.
  • Shared Secret: A secret key shared between the RADIUS client (PostgreSQL server) and the RADIUS server to secure communication.

Setting Up Your RADIUS Server

The first step is to choose a RADIUS server that aligns with your infrastructure and expertise. Whether you opt for an open-source solution like FreeRADIUS or a commercial offering, the core functionality remains consistent.

Configure Your RADIUS Server:

  1. Create a Client: Define the PostgreSQL server as a client on your RADIUS server. This typically involves specifying an IP address or hostname and the shared secret.
  2. Configure Authentication: Set up the authentication methods accepted by your RADIUS server. This could include PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol), or EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol).
  3. User Accounts: Create user accounts on the RADIUS server. These accounts represent the users authorized to access the PostgreSQL database.

Configuring PostgreSQL as a RADIUS Client

With your RADIUS server operational, it's time to configure your PostgreSQL server as a RADIUS client.

  1. Install Necessary Extensions: PostgreSQL doesn't natively support RADIUS authentication. You'll need to install the radius extension.


  1. Update pg_hba.conf: The pg_hba.conf file controls authentication methods for PostgreSQL. You'll need to add an entry to specify RADIUS authentication.
host    all             all              radius     1812   secret = "YourSharedSecret"

Let's break down this configuration line:

  • host: Indicates the connection type. "host" is used for TCP/IP connections.
  • all: Specifies the database to authenticate for. "all" applies to all databases.
  • all: Indicates the user to authenticate. "all" includes all users.
  • The IP address range allowed to connect using this authentication method.
  • radius: The authentication method, in this case, RADIUS.
  • The hostname or IP address of your RADIUS server.
  • 1812: The RADIUS authentication port (default is 1812).
  • secret: The shared secret between the PostgreSQL server and the RADIUS server.
  1. Reload PostgreSQL Configuration: Reload the PostgreSQL configuration to apply the changes. The specific command depends on your operating system and installation method.

Testing Your Implementation

After configuring PostgreSQL RADIUS authentication, thorough testing is crucial before deploying to production. Connect to your PostgreSQL database from a client machine within the allowed IP range using a user account created on the RADIUS server. Successful authentication confirms your setup is working as expected.

Score: Security Assessment of PostgreSQL RADIUS Authentication

From a security team's perspective, PostgreSQL RADIUS authentication earns a solid 4 out of 5. This approach significantly elevates security compared to relying solely on PostgreSQL's native authentication.


  • Elimination of Database-Stored Credentials: By moving authentication to RADIUS, PostgreSQL no longer stores user credentials directly, mitigating the risk of compromise in case of a server breach.
  • Centralized Policy Enforcement: RADIUS allows for enforcing password complexity, rotation, and lockout policies from a central location, bolstering overall password hygiene.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Many RADIUS solutions support MFA, adding an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide multiple forms of identification.


  • Single Point of Failure: The RADIUS server becomes a critical component. Its unavailability disrupts access to PostgreSQL. Implementing redundant RADIUS servers mitigates this risk.
  • Configuration Complexity: Setting up and maintaining a RADIUS infrastructure adds complexity compared to simpler authentication methods.

Historical data breaches often expose weak or reused credentials. PostgreSQL RADIUS authentication directly addresses these vulnerabilities, making it a valuable addition to your security arsenal.

How To: Setting Up PostgreSQL RADIUS Authentication – A Step-by-Step Guide

Let's walk through the process of implementing PostgreSQL RADIUS authentication using FreeRADIUS as an example.


  • A running PostgreSQL server.
  • A configured FreeRADIUS server.
  • Administrative access to both servers.


  1. Install the PostgreSQL RADIUS Extension:
sudo apt-get install postgresql-<your_postgresql_version>-radius  -- Your PostgreSQL version (e.g., postgresql-14-radius)
  1. Configure PostgreSQL:
  • Edit the pg_hba.conf file:
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/<your_postgresql_version>/main/pg_hba.conf 
  • Add a line similar to this, modifying it to match your network and server details:
host    all             all              radius     1812   secret = "YourSharedSecret"

  • Replace:
    • with your client network address range.
    • with your RADIUS server hostname or IP address.
    • YourSharedSecret with the shared secret defined on your RADIUS server.

- Save the `pg_hba.conf` file.

  1. Reload PostgreSQL Configuration:

sudo systemctl reload postgresql

  1. Configure FreeRADIUS:
    • Edit the clients.conf file:

sudo nano /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf

  • Add a client definition for your PostgreSQL server:
client postgresql-server {
    secret          = "YourSharedSecret"
    ipaddr          =  -- Your PostgreSQL Server IP
    shortname       = postgresql
  • Save the clients.conf file.
  1. Restart FreeRADIUS:
sudo systemctl restart freeradius 

Conclusion: Strengthening Database Access with PostgreSQL RADIUS Authentication

In an era of increasing cybersecurity threats, implementing robust access control measures is non-negotiable. PostgreSQL RADIUS authentication empowers organizations to significantly enhance their database security posture. By leveraging a central authentication server, you gain granular control over user access, enforce stronger password policies, and eliminate the risks associated with storing credentials directly on the database server. While setting up RADIUS involves some initial configuration, the long-term security benefits far outweigh the effort. Consider implementing PostgreSQL RADIUS authentication today and bolster your defenses against unauthorized access.

FAQ: Common Questions about PostgreSQL RADIUS Authentication

Is it possible to use multiple authentication methods with PostgreSQL?

Yes, PostgreSQL's pg_hba.conf file allows you to define multiple authentication rules based on factors like client IP address, database, or user. This enables you to combine RADIUS authentication with other methods like peer or md5 for specific use cases.

What happens if my RADIUS server becomes unavailable?

If the RADIUS server is unreachable, authentication requests will fail, preventing users from accessing the database. To ensure high availability, consider setting up redundant RADIUS servers or having a fallback authentication method in place.

Can I use RADIUS for authenticating users connecting to specific databases only?

Absolutely. Within your pg_hba.conf file, you can specify the database name instead of "all" to restrict RADIUS authentication to specific databases.

What are the advantages of using a protocol like CHAP or EAP with RADIUS?

PAP transmits credentials in cleartext, posing a security risk. CHAP and EAP offer improved security by using challenge-response mechanisms and encrypting credential exchanges during the authentication process.