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Best Practices for Teleport Workload Identity


Teleport Workload Identity is currently in Preview. This means that some features may be missing. We're actively looking for design partners to help us shape the future of Workload Identity and would love to hear your feedback.

This page covers common questions and best practices for using Teleport's Workload Identity feature in production.

Structuring SPIFFE IDs

The SPIFFE ID is a flexible identifier for workloads, and potentially even users. It is ultimately up to your organization to decide how to structure your SPIFFE ID namespace.

There's a few common strategies to structuring SPIFFE IDs. Generally, though, a hierarchical structure is used, with the root of the hierarchy being the most general and the deepest part being the most specific. This allows rules to be created which allow access to a group of workloads that share common parts of the hierarchy.

Logical structure

One strategy is to structure SPIFFE IDs based on the logical function of a workload. For example, you may have a service named processor that falls within a group of payments services. You could give this a SPIFFE ID of spiffe://example.teleport.sh/production/payments/processor. You may then decide that all payments services should be able to access each other and create a rule that allows access to any SPIFFE ID that starts with spiffe://example.teleport.sh/production/payments.

Physical structure

Another strategy is to structure the SPIFFE IDs using a more "physical" location of a workload. This may still include elements that are "virtual". For example, you may have a workload running on a VM on a host in a datacenter in London. You could give this a SPIFFE ID of spiffe://example.teleport.sh/europe/uk/london/hypervisor-001/vm-a3847f. This is useful in a different way to the logical structure, it'd be ideal in a case where you want to restrict a workload to only be able to access other workloads which are physically proximate, such as a cache. You may say that the cache located in London will only accept connections from workloads with a SPIFFE ID that starts with spiffe://example.teleport.sh/europe/uk.

Hybrid structure

However, it's worth noting that a workload can possess multiple SVIDs and use these for different purposes. This means you could actually use multiple strategies. You'll want to ensure you use some form of namespacing to ensure these two different types of SPIFFE ID don't collide. For example, taking our last two examples we can prefix the ID with phy for the physical location and svc for the logical location:

  • spiffe://example.teleport.sh/phy/europe/uk/london/hypervisor-001/vm-a3847f
  • spiffe://example.teleport.sh/svc/payments/processor

Avoiding Sensitive Information

It's worth noting that the SPIFFE ID contained within a SVID is not secret and is exposed to workloads that connect and that you connect out to. So avoid placing sensitive information within the SPIFFE ID.

Integrating SPIFFE with your workloads

One challenge with successfully implementing SPIFFE is determining how you will integrate your workloads with it. Integration typically has two parts, configuring your workload to obtain a SVID for the purposes of making calls and configuring your workload to obtain and use the trust bundle to validate SVIDs from other workloads.

SPIFFE SDKs and the spiffe-workload-api Service

The most native way to integrate with SPIFFE is to use the SPIFFE SDKs. These manage the process of obtaining SVIDs and trust bundles for you, and manage using the SVIDs when making calls, and validating the SVIDs when receiving calls.

The Workload API endpoint is used by the SPIFFE SDKs to request the SVIDs and trust bundles from the tbot agent.

The SPIFFE SDKs are available in a number of languages:

To configure the SPIFFE Workload API, follow the instructions in Getting Started with Workload Identity.

Using the spiffe-svid Output

In cases where your workload is not written in a language that has a SPIFFE SDK, tbot can be configured to write the SVID, SVID key and trust bundle to files on disk.

The workload can then be modified to read these files and use the SVID and trust bundle for mTLS. If the workload is long-running, it must watch these files and reload them when changes occur. This accounts for renewals of the short-lived SVID and CA rotations.

To configure the spiffe-svid output type follow the instructions in Getting Started with Workload Identity.


In some cases, it can be simpler to leverage a proxy to implement SPIFFE. The proxy can be installed as a sidecar to your workload and automatically handle setting up mTLS connections to other workloads. In addition, the proxy could enforce access control policies based on the SPIFFE ID of the connecting workload, ensuring that only certain workloads can connect to your workload.

This is ideal in cases where you may not be able to modify the workload yourself.

One such proxy is Ghostunnel.

X509 SVID Subject

When the X509 SVIDs are issued by Teleport Workload Identity, the subject distinguished name of the certificate is determined by the following criteria:

  • If no DNS SANs have been requested, the subject is unset.
  • If DNS SANs have been requested, the first DNS SAN is set as the subject common name.

This behavior exists to support interoperability with legacy systems which are not able to parse DNS SANs or which are not SPIFFE aware.

An example of one such legacy system is Postgres. Postgres supports client authentication using certificates, but only allows the common name to be used to determine which database user access should be granted to. To integrate Teleport Workload Identity with Postgres, you can issue X509 SVIDs with a DNS SAN which can then be mapped to database user. For example, you could issue a certificate with a DNS SAN of myuser.mydb.db-access.example.com. The behavior described above will then set the common name to this DNS SAN, and you can then configure Postgres to map this common name to myuser.

Direct database access

There are certain circumstances where you may wish to use Teleport Workload ID to authenticate a workload's access to a database.

This differs from using Machine ID with the Database Service in a few ways:

  • The connection is made directly from the workload to the database, rather than through Teleport's Proxy Service and Database Service.
  • Reduced latency of the connection between the workload and database.
  • Teleport will not record the queries of the workload in the audit log.
  • Teleport will not be able to enforce fine-grained access control policies.
  • The database must natively support mTLS client authentication.
  • The database must be directly configured with authorization rules.

Typically, the workload will connect to the database using its X509 SVID as a client certificate. The database will then validate this certificate using the trust bundle provided by Teleport Workload ID. We recommend installing tbot in close proximity to the database to ensure that the trust bundle remains up to date if a CA rotation occurs.

Databases typically use the Common Name (CN) of the client certificate to determine which user the connection should be authenticated as. This means it is not compatible with the default behaviour of Workload ID where the SPIFFE ID is only present as a URI SAN. See X509 SVID Subject for information on how to set the CN.

Follow the database's documentation for how to configure client authentication using mTLS: