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Introduction to Machine ID

Introducing Teleport Machine ID

Introducing Teleport Machine ID

Length: 03:51

Teleport Machine ID enables machines, such as CI/CD workflows, to securely authenticate with your Teleport cluster in order to connect to resources and configure the cluster itself. This is sometimes referred to as machine-to-machine access.

Machine ID supports a number of use cases and platforms, but is commonly used for:

  • Granting CI/CD workflows access to resources such as SSH servers, Kubernetes clusters, databases and applications that are protected by Teleport in order to deploy changes.
  • Granting SecOps tooling access to resources in order to run security analysis against them.
  • Creating and renewing credentials for custom scripts that use tctl or the Teleport API in order to control Teleport configuration.


Read this section to understand the high-level architecture of a Machine ID setup. For a more in-depth overview, check out the architecture page.


Machine ID provides machines with an identity that can authenticate to the Teleport cluster. This identity is known as a bot. Bots share a number of similarities with human users:

  • Access controlled by roles assigned to them in Teleport
  • Access to resources recorded in audit logs
  • Identity encoded in an x.509 client certificate which is signed by the Teleport Auth Service and which can then be used for access.

Join tokens

Unlike a human Teleport user, a bot does not "log in" using a static username and password. Instead, a bot authenticates to Teleport with a join token, which is configured within Teleport and specifies which bot user it grants access to and what sort of proof (known as the join method) is needed to use this join token. This proof is typically an identity issued to the machine by the platform it runs on (e.g. AWS IAM).

Multiple join tokens may be created for a single bot to allow joining with different join methods.

Bot Instances

Each time a new tbot client joins from scratch, it creates a new server-side Bot Instance. Bot Instances keep track of individual tbot installations over time, even as they renew their certificates or rejoin. These server-side resources also record the most recent authentication attempts, as well as bot heartbeats.

Many Bot Instances can exist concurrently for a given Bot, regardless of their join method.

Bot Instances can be inspected with:

  • tctl get bot_instance to list all instances
  • tctl get bot_instance/$botName to list all instances associated with a particular Bot
  • tctl get bot_instance/$botName/$id to show a single bot instance by its bot name and ID


Machine ID is used through an agent called tbot. tbot authenticates with the Teleport Cluster and then generates credentials and configuration files for other tools to use to connect to Teleport resources using the bot's identity.


The files generated by tbot are referred to as its artifacts. Artifacts can be a number of things from credentials, such as signed certificates, to configuration files that will automatically configure a tool (such as kubectl) to use Teleport. This behaviour is controlled by configuring tbot's outputs. An output specifies what should be generated and where it should be saved.

Get started

For a quickstart non-production introduction to Machine ID, read the Getting Started Guide.

Deploy to production

Production-ready guidance on deploying Machine ID is broken out into two parts:

Further reading

  • Workload Identity: Information on Teleport Workload Identity for SPIFFE, a feature for issuing short-lived identities intended for workload to workload communication.
  • Frequently Asked Questions: Commonly asked questions.
  • Troubleshooting Guide: Common issues and how to solve them.
  • Architecture: A technical deep-dive into how Machine ID works.
  • Reference: Complete documentation of available configuration options.
  • Manifesto: Our vision for Machine Identity and the direction Machine ID and Workload ID are heading in.